The rich get richer, the poor go hungry please use word document,
The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Go Hungry
Please use word document, 2.0 Line spacing. 1″Around the paper. Time New Roman size 12.
1-Read, Analyze, Discuss, & Evaluate A Text.
2-Identify Arguments, Strategies, & Structures used in a Text.
3-Prewriting, Arrangement/Organization, Drafting/ Revision, & Editing/Proofreading, & Final Polished paper.
4-Create a Clear Thesis and Topic Sentences for Body Paragraphs.
5-Compose An Essay in MLA
6- must at least 1000 words.
7-At Least 6 Qoutes to support thesis.
8-no copy/paste.
9-the essay title should be in quotes
10-refer to full title of the essay