Nur 19178619

PART 1: 4/4/19 SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH ARTICLE CRITIQUES Each student will write three research critiques from articles focused on research in healthcare informatics . The student should complete each critique utilizing the  . The critiques do not have to be written in narrative form. All critiques should be submitted as one  document. Requirements Title: Author(s): Purpose: Theoretical Framework: Population/Sample: Setting: Instrumentation (including validity and reliability): Research Design: Statistical Methods and Findings: (quantitative studies) Implications of the findings: Generalizability of the findings: (quantitative studies) Limitations:  Study recommendations:  Relevance of article research to your study: Bias:     

 PART 2: 4/14/19 SYNTHESIS OF RESEARCH ARTICLE CRITIQUES  –  The student will synthesize the information  contained in the three articles completed  for Part 1 of the assignment. The synthesis should be in written format utilizing APA style and conventions. The document should contain a title page, body (2-page minimum, 3 pages maximum), and reference page.

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