Hi Need To Submit A 3250 Words Essay On The Topic Increasing Or Restricting Andr

Hi, need to submit a 3250 words essay on the topic Increasing or Restricting Andragogy.

This paper outlines that we have to take into account both the objective semantics of the term as well as try and locate it within a specific twentieth century educational context.

The term ‘adult education’ is a comparatively new one, coined much after it was actually in practice. It is a result of many years of evolutions, and its meaning, even now is far from simple and monolithic. Even as early as in 1927, Hall-Quest conceded the difficulties in defining the term. One of the biggest problems related to the definition of ‘adult education’ is, whether it refers to a set of methodologies by which ‘adults’ can be taught, or is it a holistic term that includes the general endeavor of educating adults in a specific way as well as a detailed study of government adaptation and subsequent implementation of policies that target the adults specifically as the subject of educational instruction. Theorists like Alan Rogers have defined adult education as a process ‘whereby anyone over 16 (or whatever) are treated as adults – capable, experienced, responsible and balanced people’. Such a definition has two major problems. first ‘adult education’ becomes synonymous with ‘andragogy’ thus affecting the semantic rigor of the term.&nbsp.

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