Hi Need To Submit A 250 Words Essay On The Topic Film Journal The Motivation Fac

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Film Journal.

The motivation factor behind this course of action is to show Fifty Shades of Grey is not advancing modern feminism. My discovery that fits this story particularly is Freud’s treatment of Masochism and sadism in his discussion of sexual aberrations. Christian is a direct embodiment of Oedipus complex. The term is used to signify a child’s desire to have sex with his parents. In our case, Freud might suggest that Christian lacks an outlet that can help him master the Oedipus complex. He thus finds girls and women who can represent his mother and exploits them sexually in order to get the feeling of control of his past and sexuality.

Analyzing the movie, The Girl with The Dragon tattoo, I would focus on the incident where Lisbeth is assaulted by her guardian. The movie misses a bold opportunity to project voyeurism in the incidents of recorded or photographed violence. The movie could have revealed more about the real and scary human fascination as well as preoccupation with violence and sex

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