Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Organizational Change Change

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Organizational Change & Change Management. It needs to be at least 3000 words.

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(Turner, 2011)

This paper seeks to highlight how organizations manage change and strive hard to become more sustainable after implementing change because the condition of most of the organization becomes vulnerable after applying change. This paper also mentions some methods and techniques by which organizations can cope up in handling change successfully.

Organizational change helps an organization in agreeing on a unified vision. Strong level of leadership is required for communicating the vision to each employee of the organization. Change can affect day to day strategies and activities of an organization. Moreover, a concrete plan is required to measure the degree of success of change. Monetary and social rewards are awarded to employees so as to encourage their new responsibilities and roles. (Turner, 2011)

This paper seeks to highlight how organizations manage change and strive hard to become more sustainable after implementing change because the condition of most of the organization becomes vulnerable after applying change. This paper also mentions some methods and techniques by which organizations can cope up in handling change successfully. Organizational change helps an organization in agreeing on a unified vision. Strong level of leadership is required for communicating the vision to each employee of the organization. Change can affect day to day strategies and activities of an organization. Moreover, a concrete plan is required to measure the degree of success of change. Monetary and social rewards are awarded to employees so as to encourage their new responsibilities and roles. (Turner, 2011) 2. Briefly discuss methods &amp. techniques to identify and solve problems and how it would affect after implementing the change.&nbsp. Change doesn’t happen by change but in fact organizations invest huge amounts in research and development in order to determine if the change is necessary or not. Change comes along with many challenges and problems to tackle. In order to solve those problems, some wide range of applications is required. The most common problems and solution are mentioned in subsequent paragraphs. They include: Problems: Ineffective management of change can cause lower level of job satisfaction and confidence Organizations failing to manage change are four times high at the risk of losing talents Ineffective management of change adversely affect the ability of an organization to attract new talent Just less than half of the total employees feel confident in the change process of the organization Solutions: Organizations require to utilize assessment tools to measure the readiness of change among employees Leaders need to cultivate key behaviors which are required for managing change in an effective manner Leaders need to ensure that employee engagement is very high in the process of change management 3. Discuss how to develop a change strategy by using different types of methods and techniques.&nbsp. 3.1 Change methods in general. Countless techniques, models, theories and tools have been established in order to implement change in organizations in a successful manner. There is no hard and fast rule in implementing a specific theory, method or model because the internal structure, condition, financial position and culture of every organization differ from others.

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