Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Evaluating Human Resource Ma

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Evaluating Human Resource Management. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

After hiring these employees, it is their role to improve the performance of the staff and make sure that their contribution to the company gets larger and larger as they prolong their stay in the entity. Moreover, the management should also make sure that the employees they hired abide by the rules set by the company and to know the demands of these employees to avoid conflict against the company.

Aside from employee selection and hiring, the human resource management is also responsible for the benefits and compensation each and every employee is entitled of. The management has to make sure that they meet the needs of these personnel to avoid labour unions forming that ought to go against the company policy. According to McNamara [2005], small scale businesses do not usually have their own human resource management because they cannot afford to acquire either part-time or full-time help from independent contractors. These small scale businesses do the function and activities of the human resource management on their own. The managers of these small businesses have to monitor the employees they hired and make sure they follow the rules and regulations. Although they are small-sized businesses, it is also their responsibility to provide employee’s manuals to their staff to let them know the rules and policies and the rights that they are entitled of.

In addition to what McNamara [2005] said, the human resource management have undergone some big changes over the past 20 to 30 years. Before, the human resource department was even called personnel department, which is in charge of just the employee paper works, hiring and giving salaries to personnel. However, drastic changes occurred which improved and gave a bigger responsibility to the management. This big change include staffing, personnel management, giving out extensive training to the

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