Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Discussion 21 It Needs To Be

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Discussion 21. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Likewise, the video also noted information regarding risk factors for developing varicose veins that included: family history, being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking and even preponderance for standing or sitting at long periods of time (Society for Vascular Surgery). Finally, there were interventions or recommended treatment such as wearing compression stockings and other more advanced techniques like schlerotheraphy, vein stripping, and ablation (Society for Vascular Surgery).

What is striking and motivating in the video is that even for a female and old-aged patient such as Durene Bryant, she was not afraid of seeking professional advice and determining which mode of treatment would address her medical dilemma. By using her as the patient to promote the needed information on varicose veins, patients with similar dilemma would not hesitate to seek professional advice and determine which is the most effective option to address the kind of discomfort they could experience from varicose veins. The site was therefore very illuminating and beneficial for patients and researchers who are interested to know more on the

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