Hello I Am Looking For Someone To Write An Essay On Cross Cultural Management Gl

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Cross Cultural Management/ Globalisation. It needs to be at least 500 words.

From these, exposure to diverse alternative ways of life and thinking, has created an appreciation for the unity of humankind all over the world. This is demonstrated by the humanitarian help accorded to suffering people and nations. These nations are from diverse cultures, but in time of crisis, as a result of globalization, they come together unified by cultural understanding and acceptance to help one another.

Globalization, in addition, has brought about increased interactions and adaptations between cultures (Satish 2004, para. 5). This is in reference to interpersonal relationships where the society borrows from other cultures in order to have an optimally and enhanced functioning society. Globalization has shown that some aspects of one people’s way of life can be applied to another’s. improving it in the process. This is according to what cultural anthropologist, Clifford Geertz, said, “Men unmodified by the customs of particular places do not, in fact, exist, have never existed, and most important, could not in the very nature of the case exist.” (Geertz 1966, p. 35). For example, celebrating Christmas was originally done in Europe, but with globalization, other parts of the world have adopted it and it is bringing people together through more holidays that require social contact. These are significant benefits to the world, and the majority of people around the world are enjoying them ranging from the developed world to the third world. Aside from this, in management, globalization is causing a significant sense of individualism. This in accordance to assessment, where individuals are judged based on their merits and achievements. This is particularly so in Japan as a result of competition from American and other multinational corporations. thus individual performance has become the only criteria followed in appraisal (Satish 2004, para.4).

The above benefits have their shortcoming, which are more or less, means that globalization has not

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