Formal analysis of art paper


Students are to choose 1 of the 3 iconic paintings below to write a 2-3 page formal analysis. A formal analysis is quite simply an analysis of the forms utilized in the work of art. It is a close inspection of the artist’s use of aspects such as color, shape, line, mass, and space. We are simply pulling back the curtain and looking at the tools in the artists tool box.

Student’s will be required to use a minimum of 10 formal elements of design (found in lecture material) in their analysis. *Some examples listed below attached as lecture material* This paper is not based on opinion – but on observable truths. 

!!!Do not conduct any outside research for this paper.!!! You may briefly talk about themes present in the artwork – but only as to how those themes are communicated through elements of design. Be sure to consider how the viewer may have a specific emotional response to the work because of the way the artist has composed the work. (I.e. – how lights and shadows might effect mood.)

Papers must include a title page and be formatted according to APA style guides. Please title the paper using the title of the artwork you chose to analyze. 

!!!This assignment is submitted as a SafeAssign and will be scanned for plagiarism.!!!

CHOOSE ONLY 1 work of art to analyze…

Option 1: Leonardo da Vinci, The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, 1503-1519. Oil on canvas. Louvre Museum.

Option 2: Henri Matisse, Le Bonheur de Vivre, 1905-06. Oil on canvas. The Barnes Collection.

Option 3: Edward Hopper, Nighthawks, 1942. Oil on canvas. The Art Institute of Chicago.

**These are all attached below to view**