Exercise 8 Consider The Turing Machine M Qo 91 92 Qf 0 1 0 1 B D Qo B Qf Sets Of

Only part b! Give the answer in the form of a state diagram please! Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Exercise 8.2.5 : Consider the Turing machineM = ({qo, 91, 92, qf }, {0, 1}, {0, 1, B}, d, qo, B, {qf })sets of rules:Informally but clearly describe the language L(M) if d consists of the following* a) d(go, 0) = (91, 1, R); 6(q1, 1) = (go, 0, R); o(q1, B) = (qf, B, R).b) o(go, 0) = (go, B, R); 6 (go, 1) = (q1, B, R); d (q1, 1) = (g1, B, R); o(q1, B) =(af, B, R).

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