Each Student Is To Select One Exercise Per Module Exercise From The Grouping As

Each student is to select one exercise (per module exercise) from the grouping as identified below. Provide documented evidence, in Moodle, of completion of the chosen exercise (i.e. provide answers to each of the stated questions). Detailed and significant scholarly answers will be allotted full point value. Incomplete, inaccurate, or inadequate answers will receive less than full credit depending on the answers provided. All submissions need to directed to the appropriate area within Moodle. Late submissions, hardcopy, or email submissions will not be accepted.

real world exercises

  1. using a Web browser, identify at least five sources you would want to use when training a CSIRT.
  2. Using a Web browser, visit www.mitre.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful?
  3. Using a Web browser, visit www.securityfocus.com. What is Bugtraq, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided under the Vulnerabilities tab?
  4. Using a Web browser, visit www.cert.org. What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided at www.cert.org/csirts/?
  5. Using a Web browser, search for other methods employed by industry or government to share information on possible incidents.
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