Each Individual Need To Find Any One Virtual Organization With Respect To The Or
Each Individual need to find any One Virtual Organization. With respect to the organisation the following Questions need to be surveyed and answered.
1.About the Virtual Organisation
a. Organisation Name and profile.
b. Organisation Process.
c. Narrate the benefits of adopting the Organisation in to
2. How web applications are used to manage and monitor supply chain in your organisation.
3.Explain how the integration of CRM, SRM, and e-ERP systems in the organisation.
4.Discuss the issues encountered in implementing the cloud technologies in the supply chain.
5.What are the Current Challenges in the Management of your Virtual Organization and give your suggestions to overcome the challenging issues.
1. The Virtual organization example is Flexjobs with 40 employees working at the comfortof their homes in 24 hour clock. Advantages of this organization is narrowed down to freedom:Freedom from a…
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