Do You Plan To Be With Company One Year From Now

  1. The following table is a summary of one of the key questions in the employee satisfaction survey for XYZ Limited. If an employee (a male) is randomly selected:
  1. What is the probability that he is from the Uptown branch?
  2. What is the probability that he plans to be with the company one year from now?
  3. What is the probability that he is from the Downtown branch and plan to be with the company one year from now?
  4. What is the probability that he is from the Uptown branch or does not plan to be with the company one year from now?
  5. What is the probability that he is from the Downtown branch if he plans to be with the company one year from now?
  6. What is the probability that he plans to be with the company one year from now given that he is from the Uptown branch?
  7. Are the events “Downtown Branch” and “plans to be with the company one year from now” independent? Justify your answer using probabilities.

Do you plan to be with Company one year from now? Branch Yes No Downtown 45 5 Uptown 87 9

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